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Fascist race icon from VGA Planets Nu


The Fascist Empire is a race inspired by the Klingons from the Star Trek universe. They are primarily a torpedo based race although their largest warship (the Victory Class Battleship) is one of the least powerful capital ships in the game. Their lack of raw fire power is offset by several sinister racial advantages including two ships armed with Glory Devices (self destruction by command).

Race Characteristics

  • Fascist ships cannot be attacked by enemy planets or starbases. They can however attack planets or starbases.
  • 10:1 Attack Ratio and 5:1 Defense Ratio
  • The Fascists fleet includes two ships fitted with Glory Devices: The D19b Nefarious Class Destroyer and the Saber Class Frigate. This device enables the ship to self destruct causing significant damage to all ships in the immediate vicinity. It can also be set to trigger in the presence of cloaked ships.
  • The Fascists are the only race who can execute the Pillage Mission. This mission allows any armed Fascist ship to plunder enemy (or friendly) planets for money and supplies.
  • The Fascist fleet has 3 ships which can cloak and a number of ships with 10 beam weapons (providing some small defence against fighter carriers).


Only the most useful ships will be mentioned here.

This is the most useful ship in your fleet. It has a mass of 175 kt, 4 beams 2 torpedo bays and it has a Cloaking Device.

A Level 5 ship with a mass of 275 kt, 480 fuel tanks, 260 cargo space, 10 beams and 2 torp bays! This ship is amazing. Built some in the early stages with X-Rays and Mark4 and your neighbours get trouble (remember: planets do not attack your ships!). This ship shoots down about 40 fighters in a fight. Later in the game this is your armed transport.

  • Valiant Wind Class Carrier: 7 Beams and just 3 bays. Only built this ships, if you get free fighters by your allied race. remember: You're a torpedo race.

Pillage  Cloaking Device.
Tech Name Mass Fuel Cargo Crew Engines Beams Torps Bays MC Dur Trit Moly Special
1 Small Deep Space Freighter 30 200 70 2 1 10 2 2 3
2 D7a Painmaker Class Cruiser 170 230 120 352 2 4 90 42 81 43
2 Little Pest Class Escort 75 180 20 175 2 6 60 12 27 45
3 Neutronic Fuel Carrier 10 900 2 2 2 20 10 2 20
3 Medium Deep Space Freighter 60 250 200 6 1 65 4 4 6
4 D7 Coldpain Class Cruiser 175 430 100 373 2 4 2 120 42 71 63 Cloaking Device
4 Small Transport 30 180 50 15 1 2 25 2 2 20
5 Ill Wind Class Battlecruiser 275 480 260 525 2 10 2 320 82 91 93
5 D3 Thorn Class Destroyer 90 120 40 222 2 2 4 110 32 43 25 Cloaking Device
6 Large Deep Space Freighter 130 600 1200 102 2 160 85 7 8
6 Valiant Wind Class Carrier 180 190 80 322 2 7 3 380 52 61 123
6 Deth Specula Class Frigate 113 140 35 240 2 6 4 280 25 45 89 Cloaking Device
6 D19b Nefarious Class Destroyer 96 160 40 265 2 7 180 32 53 65 Glory Device
8 Saber Class Frigate 153 150 25 420 2 10 280 25 35 95 Glory Device
9 Neutronic Refinery Ship 712 800 1050 190 10 6 970 125 150 527 Alchemy Ship
10 Super Transport Freighter 160 1200 2600 202 4 220 125 13 18
10 Victorious Class Battleship 451 290 130 810 2 10 6 410 170 193 90
10 Merlin Class Alchemy Ship 920 450 2700 120 10 8 840 625 250 134 Alchemy Ship - 3 Supplies -> 1 Mineral



Remember: You are a Warrior race, so don't wait to long to attack. Choose your Ally soon.

Expand cloaked

Use your fantastic D7 (100 Cargo + 175 Mass) to expand (never built something else on it as X-Rays or Disruptors). Your tubes can be Mark4 - that belongs to your tactic.

Walk behind the lines

Allied with a fighter race

Allied with cloacing race

Ally with others

Glory Device Ships

The Pillage Mission

This mission is a useful addition to the Fascists arsenal. Pillage is a race advantage. It allows a ship to kill natives and clans on a planet and also provides income from the attack. The attack will kill 20% of the natives and 20 percent of the colonists and create 100 supplies and 100 MCR from every million natives.