Super Star Cruiser II

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As of 2025 at, the Super Star Cruiser II is now in Standard, replacing the original SSC. This change does not apply to Classic games.

Super Star Cruiser II image from VGA Planets Nu


Design upgrade that increases the combat strength of the Cruiser by adding an extra fighter bay and some mass, at the expense of requiring an extra engine. The SSC-2 now has mass above 320 kt, which makes it effective against carriers.

With its extra mass added, the SSC-2 is the cheapest heavy ship (320+ kt) to build in terms of mineral costs (not counting engine costs).

Built by

The Evil Empire

Hull specs

Name Tech Beams T/F En MC Dur Tri Mol Mass Cargo Fuel Crew Abilities Adv
Super Star Cruiser 9 8 0/4 2 490 42 71 122 270 110 450 578 none 0
Super Star Cruiser II 9 8 0/5 3 490 42 71 122 325 110 450 578 none 10
