D7c Painmaker Class Cruiser

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As of 2025, this ship replaces the D7a Painmaker Class Cruiser in Standard at Planets.nu. The original D7a is still used in Classic games.

D7c Painmaker Class Cruiser image from VGA Planets Nu


Design upgrade that adds a cloaking device to the D7a, making it useful.

Built by

The Fascist Empire and The Privateer Bands

Hull specs

Name Tech Beams T/F En MC Dur Tri Mol Mass Cargo Fuel Crew Abilities Adv
D7a Painmaker Class Cruiser 2 4 0/0 2 90 42 81 43 170 120 230 352 RS 0
D7c Painmaker Class Cruiser 2 4 0/0 2 90 42 81 43 170 120 230 352 RS, Cl 0
