Super Star Carrier+

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Super Star Carrier+ image from VGA Planets Nu


The Super Star Carrier+ is the replacement in Standard for the Super Star Carrier at The old Carrier is now only available in Classic. The Super Star Carrier+ is the same as the original Carrier, except it has as significantly reduced cost. The reduced cost in minerals and MC makes it a useful, low-cost carrier with enough power to take out any medium-sized ship, and some heavier ships if they are damaged or have weaker torpedoes.

Built by

The Evil Empire

Hull specs

Name Tech Beams T/F En MC Dur Tri Mol Mass Cargo Fuel Crew Abilities Adv
Super Star Carrier 5 6 0/4 2 320 42 91 143 250 180 240 352 none 0
Super Star Carrier+ 5 6 0/4 2 200 42 71 83 250 180 240 352 none 0
