Scorpius Class Light Carrier

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The Scorpius Class Light Carrier has now been retired in Standard at It is still used in Classic games, however. It is also used in Campaign games with the Stack Ships ability. This ship has been replaced by the Scorpius Class Carrier.

Scorpius Class Light Carrier image from Planets Nu


The Scorpius is a weird bird... Mediocre armament, high mass, low cargo capacity, 4 engines, and no special abilities. Its role in the Colonial fleet is unclear.

Built by

The Missing Colonies

Hull specs

Name Tech Beams T/F En MC Dur Tri Mol Mass Cargo Fuel Crew Abilities Adv
Scorpius Class Light Carrier 6 4 0/2 4 287 92 231 82 315 90 250 958 none 0



The Scorpius Class Light Carrier does not currently have any addon-exclusive abilities.