Campaign Blitz: Difference between revisions

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(Created page to describe Blitz in campaign mode (such as Sudakan's grand prix tournament))
(No difference)

Revision as of 02:01, 11 March 2018

Campaign Blitz is a form of Blitz that has campaign-mode advantages enabled. This gives races more ships to pick from and more racial abilities to use. Because of these campaign advantages, gameplay is very different compared to Standard Blitz. For the purposes of this article, a "blitz game" is a game with 2 players and a very small amount of planets (usually < 50). Official (Standard) Blitz format on has 16 planets and requires 90% military score to win. Non-standard blitz games are custom games created by players, which can have custom settings. This can include different win conditions (e.g. Total Planets instead of military score), and Fight or Fail for the match to end.

This article will review each race and how their power and gameplay is changed as a result of enabling campaign-mode abilities. The differences can be quite drastic.

Race Differences Overview


Important new ships & abilities

  • The new Bright Heart Light has only 1 engine, which makes it a candidate for early rushes or spamming.
  • The Deth Spec Heavy is a very interesting ship, being more powerful than a Resolute (having 1 extra torp tube). It is good for engagement against other medium ships, such as LCCs or Nebulas.
  • The Red Wind Storm-Carrier can turn the terrible Valiant Wind carrier into a decent carrier with 5 bays instead of 3. Against enemy carriers, you can use a Dark Wing followed by a Valiant + Red Wind to clean up.
  • The Enlighten can increase your MC income, which can be very important. However, this takes time, and in blitz games, you cannot always afford to spend a turn building a ship you don't really need.
  • The Medium Transport has 180 cargo, making it a good replacement for the MDSF. With its two beams, you can use it to attack lightly-defended enemy planets and distract your opponent.
  • Super Spy Command can be used to destroy starbases that have many fighters defending them.