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So you have to build some freighters to bring back minerals to your home base. Don't fly through the open space with them, don't show your neighbours where your home base is.  
So you have to build some freighters to bring back minerals to your home base. Don't fly through the open space with them, don't show your neighbours where your home base is.  

If you find a planet with good temperature and lots of minerals, next to your home base: built a base there. You don't need the race-advantage, because you just have to raise the hulls up to 6 - that costs 1500 MC (believe me: you will have much money)...and built?  
The Fascists are the only race other than the Empire you should build a base on any planet with good temperature and some minerals, next to your home base: built a base there. You don't need the race-advantage, because you just have to raise the hulls up to 6 - that costs 1500 MC (believe me: you will have much money)...and built?  

A  D19 every turn.
A  D19 every turn.

Revision as of 11:04, 31 May 2011

Fascist race icon from VGA Planets Nu


The Fascist Empire is a race inspired by the Klingons from the Star Trek universe. They are primarily a torpedo based race although their largest warship (the Victory Class Battleship) is one of the least powerful capital ships in the game. Their lack of raw fire power is offset by several sinister racial advantages including two ships armed with Glory Devices (self destruction by command).

Race Characteristics

  • Fascist ships cannot be attacked by enemy planets or starbases. They can however attack planets or starbases.
  • 10:1 Attack Ratio and 5:1 Defense Ratio during ground assault.
  • The Fascists fleet includes two ships fitted with Glory Devices: The D19b Nefarious Class Destroyer and the Saber Class Frigate. This device enables the ship to self destruct causing significant damage to all ships in the immediate vicinity (own ships get just 10%/20% damage). It can also be set to trigger in the presence of cloaked ships.
  • The Fascists are the only race who can execute the Pillage Mission. This mission allows any armed Fascist ship to plunder enemy (or friendly) planets for money and supplies.
  • The Fascist fleet has 3 ships which can cloak and a number of ships with 10 beam weapons (providing some small defense against fighter carriers).


Only the most useful ships will be mentioned here:

  • Ill Wind Class Battlecruiser: Level 5! battleship with a mass of 275 kt, 480 fuel tanks, 260 cargo space, 10 beams and 2 torpedo bays! This ship is amazing.
  • Valiant Wind Class Carrier: 7 Beams and just 3 bays. Only build this ship if you get free fighters from your allied race. Remember: Fascists are a torpedo based race.
  • D19b Nefarious Class Destroyer: This ship has Glory device. If that ship explodes your ships will receive 20% of a mine hit of damage. At your second base build this ship or the Saber. Build them with X-rays or lasers and low tech engines.
  • Saber Class Frigate: This ship has Glory device. If that ship explodes your ships will receive 10% of a mine hit of damage. Build them with X-rays or lasers and low tech engines (they will explode some day).
  • Victorious Class Battleship: 10 beams 6 torpedo bays and a strong hull with 451 mass. This ship is cheap to build both in minerals and in cash.


Built bases everywhere

I usually build up my home base with Engines 10 (Warp9), Hull 5, Beams 1 and Torpedoes 5 (Mark4). Raise up the factories to maximum and mines to (at least) 200. Save your money in the beginning at your home base to send out a D7 in every direction first:

The costs are: 1 D7 Coldpain Class Cruiser: 768 MC, 82 Du, 83 Tr, 135 Mo - Hull + 2 x Transwarp Drives, 4 x X-Rays + 2 x Mark4 torpedo launcher.

Watch your next planets to decide where you should build your next base as soon as possible. Why? There you start building a fleet of Glory device ships (Hull 6 with Engine 1, X-Rays)! This is your main weapon. Be sure to have a couple of them before turn 20. Later you'll tow them with your Vics into war, and to safeguard your ships from robbing Priv cloakers.

You will go out of Duranium soon. Thats why I prefer building no Disruptors on my first D7-Scouts.

So you have to build some freighters to bring back minerals to your home base. Don't fly through the open space with them, don't show your neighbours where your home base is.

The Fascists are the only race other than the Empire you should build a base on any planet with good temperature and some minerals, next to your home base: built a base there. You don't need the race-advantage, because you just have to raise the hulls up to 6 - that costs 1500 MC (believe me: you will have much money)...and built?

A D19 every turn. The costs for a D19b Nefarious Destroyer are: 189 MC, 34 Du, 70 Tr, 65 Mo - Hull + 2 x Stardrive1 + 7 x Lasers or X-Rays.

Expand cloaked with the D7

Use your fantastic D7 (100 Cargo + 175 Mass) to expand (never build anything else on it other than X-Rays or Disruptors). Your tubes can be Mark 4 - that depends on your tactics. Use this ship to cross over distances above 81 LY. I usually send this ship out without torpedoes, just put 100 clans on board. Set down 3 clans on every planet until you reach a good one with a lot of natives. Set down 30 clans and pillage in the same turn. Next turn the planet is yours, and you have about 30 supplies and money on board. Next turn beam down supplies and some money and beam up some minerals. Then you fly on cloaked while building torpedoes on board using the Friendly Code "mkt".

You will have 2 logistic problems: bringing home the money and bringing a lot of clans to the front to take over bases: Send out some Death Speculas to bring home money soon.

Send out some Illwinds behind them, to bring clans and build torpedoes. An ideal little fleet: D7 Coldpain Class Cruiser, a Death Specula and an Illwind.

Walk behind the lines

Don't attack too early. Walk behind the lines and wait with your D7 and stay cloaked on a planet until a Freighter arrives. Tow him out with Warp 1 (into the warp wells), set Primary Enemy to his race and Friendly Code: NTP so you don't destroy the freighter with your torpedoes. Maybe you'll get some clans to drop down at the next planet.

Pillage & don't fight planets

Remember: You are a Warrior race, so don't wait to long to attack. Choose your Ally soon. Build some Illwinds in the early stages with X-Rays and Mark 4's and make trouble (remember: planets do not attack your ships!). Later in the game, this is your armed transport. If this ship is damaged after a fight or by a mine hit, you just have to pillage. With this big cargo room, you'll repair 52% damage from pillaging in 1 turn! This ship shoots down about 40 fighters in a fight, but why fight a planet. Pillage it.

Take over planets by beaming down clans. 100 clans will be as strong as 1000 clans, because of your ground attack ratio being 10:1. In the early stages, you'll take over every planet by dropping clans from your D7 - and if there are too many enemy clans, pillage a few turns and you'll see, there will be less.

There are two ways to fight. Never go to a planet with Primary Enemy set, first have a look at what's going on. You can tow out carriers with your D7 to a couple of Vics with Glory Device ships. Try to fight a Rush with 2 Glory Devices and 2 Vics with Mark 7 torpedoes (have at least 40 Supplies on board!).

Allied with a fighter race

  • The Robots:
  • The Missing Colonies of Men:
  • The Rebels:

Allied with cloacing race

  • Lizard:
  • Birdmen:
  • Privateer:

Allied with others

  • Feds:
  • The Borg:
  • The Crystal People:
  • Evil Empire:

Application is the trick!

Do you know "Juniper's Guide to Fascists" (By Juniper - Revised 5/29/1998)? He used this headline in his guide to explain in a fabulous way, how to fight with the Fascists: xxxhere I would like to take over junipers tacticsxxx

The Glory Device mission

What is a Glory Device? It is a device that is installed on two of the Fascist ships the D19b Nefarious Destroyer and the Saber Class Frigate. The device is a ship feature and NOT a race advantage. Anyone owning one of these ships can use the device. When one of these ships set off the Glory Device it does 1 minehit (1 minehit = 10000/ (hullmass+1) ) of damage to all ships at the same point in space and destroys itself.

Controlling the Glory Device

By using different friendly codes the glory device can be used in different ways:

A) By using the "pop" friendly code the D19 or Saber class starships will automatically explode after the movement phase of the hostrun.

B ) With a friendly code of "trg" the D19 or Saber class starships will explode after the movement phase (*) of the hostrun, if:

The D19 or Saber has a primary enemy set and a cloaked ship belonging to that primary is at the same location as the D19 or Saber. Cloakers owned by the same race that owns the Glory Device and cloakers owned by official allies of the Glory Device's owner will never set off the Glory Device. The D19 or Saber has a KILL mission, and a cloaked ship not belonging to the same owner or one of his allies is at the same location as the D19 or Saber. Cloakers owned by the same race that owns the Glory Device and cloakers owned by official allies of the Glory Device's owner will never set off the Glory Device.

Glory Devices and fuel

To explode, a D19 or Saber does not need fuel. More precisely:

A friendly code of "pop" will cause the ship to explode, even if it has no fuel A friendly code of "trg" together with a primary enemy setting will make the ship function as a cloaker-detector against ships belonging to that primary enemy, even if it has no fuel. A friendly code of "trg" together with a KILL mission does require fuel, because having a mission set (in this case: KILL) requires fuel.

Exploding Glory Devices

When a Glory Device explodes the ship's owner is neatly informed by an ingame message. When exploding, the glory device does less damage to Fascist ships than other races' ships. The D19 will do 20% normal damage and the Saber will do 10% damage to ships that the Fascists own. If a glory device that is owned by any other race than the Fascists is set off, ships of that race that are in the same place will also only suffer a partial minehit of damage. Official allies of the Fascists still suffer a full minehit of damage from glory devices if they are in the same place as an exploding glory device. Fascists will always suffer only a partial minehit, no matter who owns and sets off the glory device and no matter if it is set off by an ally or enemy.

Ships that are hit by an exploding Glory Device send a message to their owner, and a copy is also sent to the owner of the exploded Glory Device ship.

Glory Devices and planets

If the explosion takes place over a planet, a number of things happen. First, 25% of all planetary structures are destroyed. Secondly, 40% of a planet's colonist population is killed. If there are natives living on the planet, 40% of their population is also killed.

Siliconoid, Reptile and Bovinoid natives as well as Lizard and Crystalline colonists are immune to Glory Devices' effects. Starbases do not suffer any damage from exploding Glory Devices. Exploding a Glory Device over one of your own planets does not cause any damage to the planet.

The Berthold rays that result from a Glory Device explosion will kill ALL Amorphous life on a planet that occupies the same point in space as the exploding starship. This will cause all of the Amorphous natives to be converted directly into supplies. They will be converted at a rate of 1 supply unit per 1000 natives. Thats a lot of money!

The Pillage Mission

This mission is a useful addition to the Fascists arsenal. Pillage is a race advantage. It allows a ship to kill natives and clans on a planet and also provides income from the attack. The attack will kill 20% of the natives and 20 percent of the colonists and create 100 supplies and 100 MCR from every million natives.