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a VGA Planets combat Tactic For cloaking Races!

The Problem

as birdmen or fascists you want to attack a particular Ship within an enemy fleet without being forced to engage the rest of the fleet, or as a privateer you wish to capture a particular ship within an enemy fleet without being forced to engage the rest of the fleet.

The Wolfpack Solution

Fascists and Birds solution

a small force of cloaked vessels WolfPack lies waiting within 81 lyrs of the target. another cloaker the Lamb is at the exact location of the enemy fleet under cloak and tows away 1 of the ships to the wolfpack which is set to destroy the towed target. the lamb and the wolfpack fight together to destroy the single target.

The Privateers solution for capture

A small force of MBRs lie in wait cloaked as the wolfpack within 160 lyrs of the planet to be booby trapped. The booby trapped planet will have two MBRs present the Lamb and the duck. the duck is empty of fuel and not cloaked above the planet. while the lamb is full of fuel and cloaked above the planet. the booby trapped planet should have no fuel on its surface. if there is room in the lambs tank have him bring it up before the operation begins.

When the enemy vessel enters the booby trapped planet, they will notice the MBR that is empty of fuel, but wont be able to do anything about it as you cannot attack a ship with no fuel. The lamb transfers 1kt of fuel to the duck. the duck sets his mission to rob ship and moves away from the planet to a safe location. the lamb tows the ship to the wolfpack hoping a tow capture will occur. if the enemy ship was robbed completely of fuel the ship will now belong to the privateers, if not, combat may occur with the lamb. if the privateer lamb fails to capture the ship thru combat vcr it or the target will be destroyed. if the target survives the combat vcr and is still not captured the wolfpack will then be able to rob the ship completely dry of fuel and tow capture the target the following turn.


There are a few variations to this tactic and as long as the end result is the target captured, the wolfpack has done its job. for largers vessels such as heavy carriers or battleships with big fuel tanks the duck can be replaced with a merlin or a neutronic fuel tanker. or even have multiple ducks to rob more fuel. the point is the ducks need to rob all or as much fuel as possible so the lamb can tow capture, the wolfpack is a backup measure in most cases. and is used when the lamb fails to tow capture. in some cases the loss of a single MBR is worth the cost of capturing heavy carriers and dreadnaughts. in this case a single lamb and duck can be used . the lamb will die at the hands of the heavy cruiser or battleship, but the wolfpack will rob it dry the following turn. another version is to not use a duck at all. but instead sacrifice the lamb each time in order to bring its target to the wolfpack, and allow the wolfpack to do the robbing of fuel instead of the duck

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Common Usage

Most cloaking Races use this tactic.