
The cyborg are loosely based on the borg from Star Trek the next generation. In VGA planets Their main advantage is assimilation. Assimilation turns native populations into borg clans at a rate which the host defines (typically 1-1). The maximum number of mines, factories and defense posts a planet can have are related to the total number of clans on the planet. In this way a planet that has been fully assimilated can produce large quantities of minerals, supplies and be a very tough nut to crack. A good native government will produce more megacredits than a borg world but assimilation of poor native governments produce clans that can be taxed at above average levels - the net effect is that if left unchecked the borg economy slowly but surely becomes the best in the game. The borg need their amazing economy because their essential warships are very, very expensive both to build and to arm.
The firecloud class cruiser is the most feared and coveted ship in VGA. A firecloud can open a warp chunnel wormhole to any other firecloud (owned by the same player) and instantaneously travel to that location, briging along with it ships that were in the same location. In this way the borg fleet is extremely mobile and dangerous. Experienced borg players produce networks and chains of fireclouds to keep their sprawling empires always within reach. Cubes are the borg attack fleet and are amongst the strongest ships in the game. The annihilation is the classic cube from StarTrek, it launches torpedoes. The biocide is much akin to the annihilation but launches fighters. Both ships have their advantages, the biocide is arguably the stronger of the two but costs much more to arm and equip. Neither are a pleasant site to see on your doorstep, and when the borg firecloud comes knocking they're not far behind.