Rob Mission

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Rob is a special mission for the Privateer race only. Any ship belonging to a privateer player that has beams and fuel on board can perform the rob mission. The rob mission will take fuel and cargo from all (uncloaked) foreign ships at the same location. A robbing ship will steal fuel and cargo from other ships until the robbing ship's fuel tanks and cargo hold are full. Robbing proceeds in order of ship ID#, with the lowest ID# ship being robbed first. Privateer players will not rob from players that they have Safe Passage agreement with or better. Cargo hold is filled in the following order: Molybdenum, Tritanium, Duranium, Supplies and Colonists. There is a 1% chance that the rob mission will fail.

When a ship is robbed completely of fuel, its speed will not be reset to warp 0. This means that if fuel is added to the ship later (via foreign ship transfer or by "beam up fuel" mission), it will continue to move to its waypoint.

If a ship is robbed of all its fuel, it will have its mission reset (unless its mission is "beam up fuel"). This means a ship robbed dry cannot tow, even if fuel is transferred to it later in the turn.

Once a ship is out of fuel, a Privateer player can tow-capture it.


If this mission is performed inside of a Horwasp Protofield, the ship performing the Rob Ship mission will be destroyed.